The appearance of light can be thought of as two things: what the light itself appears to look like and how other objects appear in that light. The Light Cognitive installations might appear blue to the eye, but like the natural blue sky it doesn’t only produce blue light. Like the sky, our light produces all colors at the same time, which means the light feels natural and everything under it also appears natural.
Measuring Light Cognitive installations with traditional metrics is a limited approach. Traditional light measurements focus on singular, static light sources. We have a light field with spatial and temporal variation. Every color. Every shade. So, trying to explain LC installations in terms of traditional light dimensions, like Kelvin or Lux, is like trying to explain a movie in terms of photography.
Everything changes dynamically according to the programming of the installation – the light of ‘sunset’ looks, feels, and performs differently than the light of ‘midday.’
A typical light can have a color temperature of eg. 3000 Kelvin. Our products range from 1700 to 30,000 Kelvin, smoothly varying over the surface either individually or at the same time. The relative magnitude of the various color temperature gradients produced also changes dynamically over time depending on the programming.BRIGHTNESS
The installations are as bright as diffuse light outside on a clear day at midday but are fully dimmable. In traditional metrics: 24,000 lux close to the light surface. For reference, a strong 60W bulb is 800 lux.SPECTRUM
As close to natural light as any light source produced across the daylight spectral family. We left out only harmful UV light and infrared.RESOLUTION
Infinite resolution with continuous color and intensity shifts.COLOR RENDERING
Like natural light the color rendering values change depending on the time of day. Light Cognitive installations CRI reach up to 99 in a wide range of Kelvins, R9 > 90+.DEPTH
The human eye sees different wavelengths of light (or colours) differently. The colour blue appears to be further away, an effect known as chromostereopsis. When LC installations produce a smooth gradual color and brightness gradient, our eyes cannot observe the distance of the surface of the light making it look limitless and creating a true depth effect.ENERGY USAGE
All this requires minimal electricity use due to efficient LED lights.Biological benefits
Light is one of the main drivers of the circadian system, which starts in the brain and regulates physiological rhythms throughout the body’s tissues and organs, affecting hormone levels and the sleep-wake cycle.
Circadian rhythms are kept in sync by various cues, including light. The body’s response to light is facilitated by intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs): the eyes’ non-imageforming photoreceptors. Through ipRGCs, lights of high frequency and intensity promote alertness, while the lack of this stimulus signals the body to reduce energy expenditure and prepare for rest. This feature promotes lighting environments for circadian health. The biological effects of light on humans can be measured in Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML), a proposed alternate metric that is weighted to the ipRGCs instead of to the cones, as with traditional lux.
+5 meters, Light Cognitive produces over 250 Melanopic Lux (EML), DLE 02.-1.5. DER range 0.25-1.25.
Correctly managing exposure to this type of light can result in sleep improvement and SAD mitigation.Control
Two thousand levels of brightness per spectral component, from low-intensity dawn/dusk to three times as bright as diffuse daylight on a clear sky (not direct sun).AUTOMATED AND DYNAMIC
The time of sunrise and sunset can be adjusted for the daylight cycle. Depending on the use case, a custom night-time light can also be configured.BESPOKE PROGRAMS
It is possible to program any cut of the sky dome under any athmospheric conditions in any season, for the full day cycle.MULTIPLE CONTROL METHODS AVAILABLE
DALI type 8, CASAMBI, WIFI, LAN, Bluetooth controlled static states and timed day cycle.
Light Cognitive can reproduce human-centric natural light, with an LED innovation that follows nature’s circadian rhythm. Our installations lessen feelings of claustrophobia and fatigue, bringing illumination and joy to dark spaces.